Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why watching TV is not bad for me

1. It gives me something to look forward to in my sad, sad life.
2. It does not talk back.
3. It demands nothing of me but my time and some of my attention. (I like to multi-task. I'm even watching while I'm blogging!)
4. It completely takes my mind off of how much I hate exercising. It's a crutch, but I would never exercise without it.
5. Where else am I going to get my fashion fix? Certainly not at work!
6. Pop culture was very important to my former boss and I spent much of my time IMDBing actors for him. "What was the name of that guy who was in that movie about the thing with the Greeks?" (Zero Mostel in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum." And they were Romans, but I knew what he meant after about 100 questions like that. Sigh.)
7. I would have no idea who any of the people in People Magazine are. Although some of them I wish I knew nothing about.

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