Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why People Lie

I wonder about this a lot. I'm not talking about the "I love your new haircut!" lie or the "I'm sure he'll call you back" stuff. I'm talking about the big lies--the "I did not have sex with that woman" lies, the "I am not a crook" lies, the "check is in the mail" fibs. People always get caught, so why even tell them? People will forgive almost anything, but they won't forgive being lied to.

A lie, says "you're stupid." Liars by definition think they are smarter and better than everyone--that they deserve more than they are getting, which is why I think America abhors them so much. But is it arrogance, or just stupidity that makes them think they'll get away with it? Or both? Maybe immaturity? It's puzzling to me.

Occasionally at a previous job, I got to confront liars with the proof of their duplicity. It's very satisfying. But the most common emotion that they displayed when I told them we knew they were lying was relief. I think this is because they are not practiced liars and the burden of telling the lie is too great. But the professional liars, they smile, as if it's some secret joke. They are enjoying the lie, even though they've been caught.

I miss that job. I got to use my brain. And I'm very good at catching liars--ask my ex-boyfriends.

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